Not good enough!

Not good enough

I recently attended a sold out concert by a woman who was told she was not good enough. That she would never sell-out a concert hall. That what she was doing was too different to work. In front of millions of people she was told she sounded like, “a bunch of rats being strangled.”

Obviously what Lindsey Stirling’s critics told her was WRONG!

There will always be people out there to tell you what you want to do won’t work. That you should just keep to the safe path. This MIGHT be true, but you will never know unless you try. There are so many amazing things in this world because someone didn’t believe it when they were told to not try.

“It’s not the critic who counts.”

Lindsey reiterated a thought I have heard many times.

Successful people are not people who never fail.
Successful people are people who fail many times, learn and continue to get back up.

They dust themselves off, look around and get started again with what they have learned.

There has likely never been a time in history where one has so much opportunity to go after one’s passions. The internet has provided not only a wealth of information, but also an outlet that anyone can use to be found and heard.

Now is the only time we know we have. There will always be reasons why you can’t do something. Why you need to wait just a little longer until things are ‘right’. Unfortunately that time rarely ever just shows up.

We make it happen.

For me I suffered some pretty serious mental and then physical trauma this year. Through that trauma I realized that I either needed to jump in fully, or move on. When I contemplated moving on and abandoning my dreams life became very gray.

Needless to say I jumped!

Not everyone is in a position to fully jump. It took me 14 years. However you ARE in a position to do SOMETHING.

Start in whatever way you can. Make a small step. Get MOVING!

Hopefully you don’t have to hit bottom like I did to make your move.

Sometimes though, the light can shine the brightest from the bottom!

This is a repost from my old blog, but as I saw Lindsey Stirling again last night I figured it was a timely repost. I made a few minor updates and included some video add-ons from YouTube 🙂

To add to this, not only is Lindsey a HUGE success, but she is currently on tour with one of her childhood idols sharing the headline.