Stress and anxiety and distraction OH MY!

Stress and anxiety and distraction

In class today we did a short discussion about the constant distractions, stress and anxiety so many of us are under these days. We then used a brief ‘meditation’ exercise to regain a bit of focus. The world seems to be moving faster everyday. We are all in a rush to get…somewhere…not sure where but we seem to be in a big hurry to get there…

Whether it is a personal push or external push we seem to be driven towards getting it done faster and faster.

Everything is immediate. Answers are there at the push of a button (or by saying “Ok Google”)!

I recently re-posted something I wrote about slowing down in our movement. I believe it is even more important that we remember how to slow down on the inside as well. How often do you stop to just look at the mountains, breathe the air or simply do NOTHING.

I recommend that as human beings we should spend a portion of every day doing absolutely nothing. Not thinking, not planning, not daydreaming….nothing. Whether you call it meditation, zoning out or recharging your batteries I believe this is one of the best things we can for our health and sanity.

There are many methods of doing this, but don’t get too caught up the methodology. Simply take a moment, sit and breathe. If you need a mantra such as “here, now”, “Om mani padme hum” or something else nonsensical use it. Don’t get too attached to it though.  I talk a little more about this in my book, Ninja Life Hacks, and there are many other resources on how to do simple meditation practices on the internet. I am a big fan of how Alan Watts talks about meditation and you can find many of his lectures and discussions freely available on

Take the time to be you. Take the time to let all of it go. Even if you only give it 1 minute a day it can do wonders for your overall stress and anxiety levels. I speak from VERY direct and personal experience.

By the way….from a purely self-defense perspective being more relaxed and less anxious can allow you more easily recognize when trouble is happening. It can also keep you from saying or doing something dumb that escalates or creates a situation.

Just a few thoughts I wanted to put out there! Hope this is of some value to you. I am sure it is not the first time you have heard any of this. I find I need constant reminders of the most important things so this is just another nudge 🙂