How to Stop Bullying In Its Tracks
It’s a nightmare for any parent. You send your child off to school thinking she’ll be in a safe learning environment. Soon you’re finding out through tears that she’s become the victim of bullying. Parents across the nation want to know how to stop bullying. And that includes the Phoenix Metro area.
Bullying is Closer than You Think
It was a typical May morning in Chandler, Arizona. The temperature climbed into the 90s as school children counted down the days to summer. One girl stood in the hallway, holding several books during a class break.
Surveillance video shows two sixth grade girls repeatedly pulling on her pony tail. One of them even tried dragging the victim toward the door by her hair.
It’s the kind of story that really makes your blood boil, right?
In this case, there was direct evidence and the Chandler Police Department even recommended a misdemeanor assault charge be filed against the two sixth grade girls doing the bullying. But most parents would prefer not to have it go this far in the first place.
The Costs of Bullying
Bullying is an epidemic among boys and girls all across the country. As bad as the experience of bullying is in the moment, the aftermath is just as painful. That feeling of helplessness is devastating to children and also to you as parents.
Many think school policies and legislation is the answer. While those can have some effect, they can only do so much. Think about it. There are laws on the books and policies in place for lots of things: murder, assault, theft, etc. That doesn’t remove the threat for the victims involved. It only makes the crime punishable after the fact.
Some think the problem will go away with time. The truth is, the effects of bullying, if not properly dealt with, are long-lasting. Inaction may have consequences that manifest themselves as depression, relationship problems, and counseling fees.
Arizona Department of Education states, “Addressing and reporting bullying is critical. Students who are targets of bullying behavior are more likely to experience lower academic achievement and aspirations, higher truancy rates, feelings of alienation from school, poor relationships with peers, loneliness, or depression…”
How to Stop Bullying Now
So what can you and your child do to prepare for these situations?
When the moment comes that a bully tests your child, will he/she be ready? Does your child know how to avoid a fight, what options are available, when to defend oneself, and how to do it appropriately?
Let’s take a look at another case study: Naomi. Naomi wasn’t prepared for her “friends” to turn on her. You can see the regret and sadness in her father’s face when he tries to explain the physical abuse she endured at the hands of her “friends.” Contrast that with her transformation after spending just one week at a Gracie Jiu-Jitsu training center.
Warning: contains some violent content in the first 20 seconds of the video
Gracie Breakdown video:
But Isn’t Martial Arts Violent?
This is a common and valid concern for parents. But what if we told you the exact opposite is actually true? When your child enrolls in Gracie Jiu-Jitsu classes, he/she will learn the following five rules:
- Avoid the fight at all costs. By training in jiu-jitsu, you are not learning to start fights. You aren’t even preparing to do damage when challenged. You’re preparing to stop the threat while using the least amount of force possible.
- If physically attacked, defend yourself. Bullies are often testing to see if they’ve found a target. If you don’t pass their initial test, you’re bound to become a repeat target in the future. On the other hand, bullies tend to move on from those who stand up for themselves and do it early.
- If verbally attacked, follow the three T-steps: Talk, Tell, Tackle. Gracie Jiu-Jitsu teaches to stand up for yourself and to use only the force necessary. But instructors will not teach your child to escalate the situation It’s important to exhaust all options before using any level of force.
- Never punch or kick the bully, establish control and negotiate. Even when it comes time to use force, the goal is not to inflict harm, but to establish control. The objective is not to dish out punishment or get revenge. Self-control is paramount in Gracie Jiu-Jitsu.
- When applying submissions, use minimal force and negotiate. Instructors will teach your child to use only the force necessary to neutralize the threat until help arrives. We want the bully to give up his/her plan to harm others or for someone in authority to intervene.
Prepare Your Child Against Bullying Today
So if you’re wondering how to stop bullying, we firmly believe Gracie Jiu-Jitsu is the best answer. It’s healthy. It’s fun. And it will inspire confidence in your child you never knew was possible.
Concerned because your child is on the smaller side? That’s who BJJ was designed for! Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu has a long history of smaller practitioners defending themselves against much larger opponents. That’s because we’re not meeting force with force. We’re managing distance and controlling movement.
At Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Chandler, we want to unleash your child’s potential. We provide a safe end friendly environment for your child to learn a proven system that works. And with our 10 day free trial, you’ve got nothing to lose!
We all know bullies are out there and run-ins are inevitable. Now’s the time to prepare your child against them. This is how to stop bullying.
Get started today with our exclusive offer. Request more information today to find out how you or your child can start training.
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